Sunday, February 22, 2015

Transom and Steering

The boat is getting closed in.  Handy old 1/8"masonite is now known as eucaboard.  It's still the best thing for making templates,

Sloppy welds can be dressed up with the lathe if needed and small enough to fit.

Trial fit of the transom piece made with the eucaboard template.  Nice fit!

It's easier to crawl in and out without the transom in place.  Here is a mock-up of the steering system.

And finally, a look at the base for the steering wheel at the helm.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Transom work

 Here is the trial fit of the mid transom and deck beam.

A close up of the tunnel and rudder reinforcements.

Trial fitting the ruddder and the top transom piece.  Note-this piece is curved both at top and outward to the rear.  Very nice job.   You may also spot the brand new deadblow sledge hammer.  As the boat gets bigger, so do the tools.