Monday, September 10, 2018

Now - Boat progress!

We call her Ally right now.  That may change later.  She has been painted for several months and has temporary plexiglass windows so she can be closed up and kept outside the shop.  The permanent windows will be smoked not clear.  The temporary windows can get paint overspray and sand blast damage.

This is the best shot I could get of the drawings.  It actually looks like this.

John has started wiring and it is a major project.  First we had to list all of the electrical needs and calculate wattage.  There is AC to the inverter, generator and shore power.  The refrigerator runs on AC and there will be critical appliances (coffee maker) used only at a marina dock.  DC to the batteries, alternators, lighting, pumps and other odds and ends.  This all has to be laid out and installed before the sides are finished.  Wiring must be secured and protected from chafe as it passes through the aluminum frame of boat.

House batteries are under the helm seat bases and a spare battery is going unter the inside step.  The two helm seats will be fixed to the platforms in the front of this photo (port is the one with green mat on top.)   The dinette seat frames are on the right and the galley framework is on the left.  The open panel to the engine and alternators is in the center.  (The upside down bucket and cushion combination is for John to rest his belly on as he works on low areas.)

All of the instruments need to be wired to the senders on the engine.  Not shown are the AC and DC switches  panels.

Extra battery under the step on right and a better look at the engine.

Other trinkets like cleats and the fuel fill are in place.

Why there have been no posts.....

The boat project and this writer have been sidetracked by adding an addition to the house for my sewing area. 
After - old sewing room connects to new room.
Before - old sewing room.

75% of the addition.  The second set of french doors from pool room and the east end are cut off.
We even unburied the pool table.  John still uses one end for drafting but the board lifts off for easy access.  Boat parts that need to be stored inside are under the tale.

Final stage was fitting and securing storm shutters.  Paver path is also newly reconfigured.