Sunday, October 13, 2019

More progress

The MGB-GT is getting lots of wrench time but the boat is still moving along.  We filled and bled the steering system last weekend:
The rag is red from ATF leaks.
The galley is almost ready for formica, but leaving it bare makes a nice work area for now.
 Notice to the right that the head is in place on the base.  Yes, there will be walls and a door.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

More wiring and navigation equipment

Progress continuues-
Messy cockpit but it is easier to work inside.  Fortunately, there is a canopy overhead.
Top left- Electric current leak indicator - a must on an aluminum boat or any boat.
Vented loop for bilge pump discharge.

TOP: Cabin lighting and VHF radio installed.  
BOTTOM: Back of starboard side helm area.  Nice shelf for charts and log book.

Wiring for helm instruments.